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Force Balance Clan

Force Balance Clan



Ankileii[=FBC=] (HUN)

Echo[=FBC=] (HUN)


Khotar[=FBC=] (POL)

FiXer[=FBC=] (CZ)

Scorch[=FBC=] (CZ)

Szasza Joe[=FBC=] (HUN)


^Anakin[=FBC=] (FIN) !DLG!

Qloo[=FBC=] (HUN)

Pitszi[=FBC=] (HUN)

^BloodSlayer[=FBC=] (GER)

Sumi[=FBC=] (HUN)

Gladius[=FBC=] (HUN)

Rekel[=FBC=] (NOR)

'Purgathorium[=FBC=] (HUN)

UniQue[=FBC=] (GER)

Dr@gon[=FBC=] (HUN)


Members e-mail adress

Ankileii -

Echo -

SzaszaJoe -

FiXer -

Scorch -


Qloo -

Piár Wars
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The clan's history

Ankileii  2006.03.06. 17:45
The history of the FBC is available soon, in the "About the FBC" menu point. There you can read about the clan's begining, and the great conflicts too. COMING SOON...

FBC films

Ankileii  2006.03.02. 16:20
Yo! Don't forget to see our downloads menu point, there you can find some cool films, enjoy your staying.

FBC Game centre

Ankileii  2006.02.27. 21:17
Yo! In every two weeks you will find anouther two cool games in the site (right side+down) You can vote to your favorite game in the forum, if u want to download it from the site. You choose, the first two full games are the: Spellforce: breath of winter, and the Empiure at war.

Anime to the site!

Ankileii  2006.02.26. 15:00
It's anouther great question:) If u like anime vote, that you want to see anime pictures and movies in the site. 3 weeks left. You decide!

FBC wishlist "Best of FBC"

Ankileii  2006.02.25. 13:49
Hi all! I want to tell you, that you all can download music from the site, you can find the FBC wishlist on the right side. If u want to download your favorite music, just write the band or artist, and the title of the song into the guest book.

A nagy szavazás! Piár Wars 2006

Ankileii  2006.02.23. 15:46
Helló! Ilyen cikk sincs sok ezen az oldalon, mert ezt magyarul írom. Osztálytársaimnak szól ez a rövid iromány, de Csala is szavazhat:) A tét nagy, ti döntitek el, hogy szerintetek ki a legjobb és ki a legrosszabb tanár a piárban. Annyi a dolgotok csak, hogy a kedvenc tanárotokra szavaztok. Bal oldalt a honlap alján. A legkevesebb szavazatot kapó tanár(ok) a legrosszabbnak számítanak a ti szemetekben. Akkor rajta, kezdjetek szavazni! A szavazás a ballagásunkig tart:))

The first millenium

Ankileii  2006.02.19. 19:56
Hello! I want to say thank you to all, for saw our site. I hope you liked it, and you will return once. Now 1000 people in the world must be happy. I want to make joy, so see our site offten:) Thank you visitors in all members name! And don't forget to see the DOWNLOADS menu point. In the future I will try to make this site more interresting. Check it out! xD

What kind of music do you like to hear in the site?

Ankileii  2006.02.19. 10:45
This is an important question, so every member tell his oppinion to the forum, in the "Music of the site". But everybody can vote who want. Tell the artist's or band's name and the title of the song. Vote if you want to hear your favorite song.

Enemy in the gates...

Ankileii  2006.02.17. 19:07
There is a very dangerous enemy in JA. He try to distruct the unity of the FBC. He tell lies to the young members about the FBC. Now I must tell you all, that never beleive to him. He is dangerous, and he hate the FBC, his name is Charon or Kharon. Beware, don't let him to kill you too many time. Defeat him in all cost.

A good friend

Ankileii  2006.02.17. 18:49
Hello, I must tell all FBC member to we have a high skilled friend, if you met with him, try to create friendship with him. Maybe he will join to the FBC once, until he will be our friend, and when he join he will be our alley. The FBC await you Sickness.

A great alliance

Ankileii  2006.02.06. 10:27
Hello! This is a very important news to all members. The FBC made alliance with the Jedi Outcast Clan (JOC). They are our allies from this time, they help to us, and we will help them. They let us to use their server, the JOC server. Our mission is to help them to destroy their enemy clans. I hope this alliance will be exist for a long time. Forward!:)

Clan Wing.....

FiXer  2006.02.02. 15:03
Hello all! I write here about one idea... If you will want and if Ankileii will agree we could create our clan Wing.. You know, every member who will wanna be a pilot must download some aircraft and then we could have clan air battles... I know some clans who apart from normal fights with sabers do also air battles... So pls write your opinions to the Forum or Chat..

Hard Times...

Ankileii  2006.01.30. 17:21
Hi! The greatest JA warrior Darkstar have returned. And one more bad news to the FBC, maybe he will join to the -=S=- clan. The Seraphins was strong enough, but now...We must practise more, if we want to conquer all BWN server...So try to practise daily or 2 daily. Preapare for a great battle!

The requirement of the JK rank

Ankileii  2006.01.22. 11:14
If any FBC member want to be a Jedi Knight, he must be in top 20, in a BWN server. If he do it, he will get his new rank in the next council. So good luck to all member!

FBC Download Centre

FiXer  2006.01.17. 19:06
Hello there! I put here some downloads, which you will need or will be useful.
Sith Concil v2 - this map will be necessary!!! When Ankileii will repair sever it will be (probably:D) the base map of FBC so far.. Size 30,79 MB
BDC Racing Club v1.2 - this map is only for fun so far.. But its cool. There is big racing track and you can race there on swoops, or with Republic gunship etc (map includes it). Size 19,25 MB
Duel map - this is small duel map. If you are bored because you play always the same maps, you can download this one. Size 1,62 MB
So have fun and download!:)))

FBC Ranking

Ankileii  2006.01.14. 19:56
^Anakin[=FBC=]- Jedi Knight Ankileii[=FBC=]- Jedi Knight Cloobiwan[=FBC=]- Jedi Guardian Echo[=FBC=]- Jedi Guardian EOG[=FBC=]- Jedi Guardian Szaszajoe[=FBC=]- Jedi Khotar[=FBC=]- Jedi Gethy[=FBC=]- Jedi KI[=FBC=]- Jedi Luka[=FBC=]- Jedi FiXer[=FBC=]- Young Jedi Scorch[=FBC=]- Padawan Shaak-Ti[=FBC=]- Padawan

The greatest warrior in the JA

Ankileii  2006.01.04. 16:49
Hi! At the moment the greates player in Jedi Academy is the nearly unstoppable: Lord Darkstar. We don't know too much about him. He is not the member of any clan, and he use nearly always yellow style against other players. If you can defeath him in JA 2 times you are good:) The others: 2nd: Lord Talamar 3rd: Ko 4th: Ill l Ninja

The Talented member...

Ankileii  2005.12.31. 11:32
I must tell to every FBC member, that the new clan member (^Anakin) is nearly unstoppable! He got the rank of a Jedi so I think that it's time to the old Jedies of the FBC give him a free lesson!;)) EOG, Szasza Joe, Clobiwan, I need your assistance, to show him the true power of the FBC:) See you all in the next concil. And I am proud to you Anakin, but you need more experience to gain a new level:)

FBC ranking

Ankileii  2005.12.26. 12:53
Hello! Are you new in Jedi Academy? No problem, in the FBC there are 4 jedis who can help you, how to play good. If you are good, you will get glory, because the bladeworks watch your way in Ja. If you are good enough, your name will be famous in the world of JA, and in the world too. In the bladeworks website, you can see your standing in the world rankings...We can train you, and also you can practise the english language too:) So get your own glory if you dare...

BWN registration...

Ankileii  2005.12.12. 19:15
Hi all! I write this news to all FBC member! It would be a good thing if you will registrate in the BWN league, because then we can start our own domination over the league...;) So registration on:

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Number of the happy people in the world
Indulás: 2005-11-02
JKA Server Monitor


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Jedi Vs Siths
Jedis Vs Siths
Who is the most powerful force user?

Mace Windu
Anakin Skywalker
Count Dooku
Darth Sidious
Darth Vader
Darth Maul
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Nagy Zene

Helló mindenkinek! Ha már nagyon mélyen elmerültetek a Star Wars világában, és egy kis kikapcsoló zenére vágytok, látogassatok el a: weboldalra!

Jó zenék, hírek, és érdekességek teszik mégjobbá a netezéseteket!

Hemi alias CP team

Barátaim, és atléta társaim honlapja a:, feltétlenül látogassatok el rá, és ismerkedjetek meg a világhírű CP counter strike klán történelmével és világával! Igaz mostanra már visszavonultak, és egy baráti társaság lett belőlük, de a honlapjuk figyelemre méltó;)S hamarosan megtekinthetitek a CP klán pár emlékezetes pillanatát, és képeit az FBC honlapján is mert kisvártatva létrejön az FCP klán:)) Szóval:

The RasmusOne & Only
FBC Musics

All music what you like can be here, if you write down your favorite music's title and the artist's name.

Morpheus the MP3 downloader

You always looking for a good MP3 downloader?

Your turn has arrived! The coolest Mp3 downloader is in your hand!


 at your service...

Music 2
E Nomine - E Nomine (Pontius Pilatus)<bgsound src="" loop=true>
Music 3
<bgsound src="" loop=true>Korn - Forsaken

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