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Force Balance Clan

Force Balance Clan



Ankileii[=FBC=] (HUN)

Echo[=FBC=] (HUN)


Khotar[=FBC=] (POL)

FiXer[=FBC=] (CZ)

Scorch[=FBC=] (CZ)

Szasza Joe[=FBC=] (HUN)


^Anakin[=FBC=] (FIN) !DLG!

Qloo[=FBC=] (HUN)

Pitszi[=FBC=] (HUN)

^BloodSlayer[=FBC=] (GER)

Sumi[=FBC=] (HUN)

Gladius[=FBC=] (HUN)

Rekel[=FBC=] (NOR)

'Purgathorium[=FBC=] (HUN)

UniQue[=FBC=] (GER)

Dr@gon[=FBC=] (HUN)


Members e-mail adress

Ankileii -

Echo -

SzaszaJoe -

FiXer -

Scorch -


Qloo -

Piár Wars
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The Birth

Ankileii  2007.07.12. 16:31
My loyal clan members! It's the time when we shall rise again! I have graduated, I got the best mark from all of the subjects. Now I have time to play JKA again, this news is very important so read it. I have to rebuild the clan, and for this every active member write to the chat, in this week! Who'll not write, will be dismissed from FBC! First I must know how many of you are loyal to the FBC, and then the dawn of the clan will comes! I am active again, my names is JKA: -=Sylar=-, Khomeini, 'Ankileii', and 'Ankileii[=FBC=]'. Write sth to the chat! It's important!! Cu soon my friends!

Chat updated

ankileii  2007.06.25. 21:38
Because of some primary security reason, I have to update the chat. From this time only registrated person can use it, so if you want to write and see the chat, use "bejelentkezés". Good luck in JKA, and have fun in our site!:)

Ultimate Downloads

ankileii  2007.04.10. 09:22
From this time everyone can write down his/her favorite film's, or music's name to the: "My favorite..." menu point. On every monday I will choose 3 files, and I will put it to the: "Favorit DL" menu point, and from there you can Download it, with Bitcomet. Remember on every Monday there will be new files! Use this option and you can gain all of your favorite films or musics. Beleive me FBC can get everything, at first, I will show you that impossible is nothing xD In this week you can Download the 300 spartan's story;) Write me a lot!:) bye!

Power of alliance

Ankileii  2007.03.19. 18:11
In the begining I made an alliance with a strong JKA clan, called: JOC. The alliance is still exist, they gave us their servers to train there, every member can get the password from me, just ask me in e-mail or in msn. Our councils will be on JOC servers. With this powerful ally, we shall burn our names to the history book of JKA. Cu soon guys!

Regulatory Binds

Ankileii  2007.02.04. 18:28
Hi all! I think if every member of the FBC have the same binds, (only 3) after a few time the JKA players will recognise that they fight against an FBC member, and this is a free advertisment too xD. So here you will find the REGULATORY binds.


Ankileii  2007.01.12. 17:56
The FBC got it's first victory against KoG clan. The knights of glory are hard enemys, but with the 4th FBC generation, noone can stop us. Dragon(provious name was: Arena) and I defeated them. The first honest clan game has ended. Next clan game as soon as possible. It will be 3 on 3 match. GL and HF everybody!:)

Masters of cheat

Ankileii  2007.01.09. 19:59
The JW showed it's true face again... They used cheats again, in our seconc confrontation. We had impossible ping, and they had admin saber. I don't know why good the cheat to people, but I hope they enjoyed their unhonest acts. JW were defeated forever! We will never fight against them. This was the last lesson to the FBC, to never fight against unhonest, cheater noobs. Next clan game as soon as possible!

New Clan War

ankileii  2007.01.03. 12:17
Soon we will confront with the J.W. clan again... This time victory must be ours! Choosen champions: Purgathorium and UniQue. May the force be with us! About the game: Type: TFFA 3 on 3, Kill limit: 20, laps: 3, weapons: lightsaberonly, force: disabled.

Reborn of the FBC

Ankileii  2006.12.22. 09:28
You all know, that the FBC had some problems, about the concils, and about to gover all of the members. Nobody had enought time. But now maybe we can restore the wounds of the FBC. This clan is not just anouther JA clan, this is our clan, an international fun and pro gaming clan. We protected the FBC and it protected us. Now I need your help to reborn this clan. Every member please write sth to the chat nowadays, and try to recruit new members, as much as he you can. If you like this clan like me, it will never disappear! Go ahead.. Questions to:

FBC Genesis II

Ankileii  2006.10.27. 14:01
Hi all! I must tell you a very important news. This is my last year in the high school, and I must study a lot (exams, tests etc...) so it's possible that I can visit clan councils rare. Because of this, in every Sunday at 18:00, find FiXer's name in duel. When I can go, I will find his name too. A note for FiXer: - If you are looking for a duel server choose a base server, with a low ping, because not all of the members have the Ja+ mod. Best server: The TEMPLE III or preception euro;). And one more thing about clan busines, I am the leader so I can't be dismissed from my own clan, because of this, I am not in other members point system..:D Only other members registrated in the point system, but when a member forgive for can't go to council, he/she will not lose points. It's that all, see you all as soon as possible. FiXer guide our clan, I will return as soon as I can. Use MSN please, I don't have skype...(new comp):)

FBC's new site is available!

Ankileii  2006.10.19. 09:06
Hi all! My first man, FiXer made a new site to the FBC, because this site a bit too crowd. This will be the multifunctional site, and the new will be the site of clan busnises, and points system. There you can check your points, and all member will have his/her own account. The new site's adress is: Check it out! There you will find the members board too!


Ankileii  2006.09.28. 16:46
Don't forget to registrate, members, you have only 3 more days.. After every member who did not registrated, will dismissed from the Force Balance Clan. So be quick, and get preapare to the next council!:) I will be not home, I travel to Tát on this weekend:DD FiXer I need your important help again, if you can lead the council... Thanks friend!

FBC Registration system, and board

Ankileii  2006.09.10. 17:03
As I said, here you can read everything about the FBC registration system, and about the members board: All member write down his/her name to the guest book, who want to be a member of the fbc, you have two weeks to do this, and don't be lazy:) About the point system: +5 popints if you will come to a council, -5 if not. +10 point for doing a busines for the fbc, +15 point for recruit a new member. That member who will receive -50 point will be dismissed from the fbc. Every registrated member will start with 20 points. That member who have the highest points for 3 weeks will receive a new rank, and he/she will get my account to the site, so he/she will can write news and put up animations ecc...

End of summer...

Ankileii  2006.08.26. 09:47
It's hard to beleive, but this wonderful summer has ended. Councils will be again on the weekend, from 1 of sept. It's maybe a problem to some members but the councils will be on Sunday, because I will graduate in this year and I have time only on sundays... If you want a council can be on saturday too, and FiXer will lead that, and I will lead the Sunday council, we will talk about this soon. May the force be with you all!

Members Board

Ankileii  2006.08.21. 12:01
Hi all! After the "registration" (in september) I will start to edit the Members Board. This is a system, where all members will find informations about others, and they can gain points. If a member can come to a council, he will gain 5 points, and ecc... Who will have the highest points, that member will be my righthand, and admin of the site too! You will find infos about the point system, in the members board menu point.

Council Warning

FiXer  2006.08.14. 14:02
This is very important article to all members. I think that the small number of members who visit councils regularly noticed, that the most of the members dont go to our meetings. We know that during holidays are most of the members away so they cant go to councils but some of them dont go even in the rest of the year. Cause of that we have decided to make a time limit. IF MEMBERS WHO ARE IN THE CLAN WON'T COME TO THE COUNCIL AT LAST UP TO THE 30th September OR THEY WON'T EXCUSE FROM THE COUNCIL FROM SOME REASON THEY WILL BE DISMISSED FROM THE FBC CLAN. The time limit isnt final and can be changed.

FBC is 1 year old!

Ankileii  2006.08.13. 09:03
Hi all! I want to say thank you, to all members who joined to the FBC. Today this clan is one year old, and it can't be without you. Thanks your cooperation, I promise that I will be more active in the future, and the FBC will be the clan of competitions, and fun again! Thanks guys your loyality, and your fun, you all made this clan better, and better! Continue...:)


Ankileii  2006.07.30. 12:26
On this monday....something great will happen. A council with 14 fbc members...a council with heavy weapons, and with master force...a council on the 31th of july...a council on my birthday:) Please everybody come! Have a great fun, and shot down Xulkin...!!!:D

FBC Ultimate Council!

Ankileii  2006.07.19. 10:33
It was a very long time ago, when many FBC members met in one council. I hope that many, so many members will come to this ultimate council. It will be on this FRIDAY at 18:00. There we will have a really great fun council, with many duels and sieges and chat, and maybe CTF:) Please come if you can, it's very important now, the members must met, there are so many members who never met to each other. It's time to build new relationships:) Cu on Friday! Oh...and one more thing: ARENA you can come too, if you want, you are nearly clan member!:)

Champion of the summer

Ankileii  2006.07.09. 18:50
Anouther championship started from today. All FBC members are opponents, and everybody have the chance to win this competition. 1st of all all of you must have a kill tracker, if you have it, restart it. The winner is who gain 1000 points. Who will gain 1000 points, make a print screen and send it to me with his name to my e-mail adress. Then the fastest will have 3 battles with me, and if he will defeat me 2 times, he is the winner, but if he can't do it, the second fastest will fight with me. The champion will reach his next level! Be honest, and don't cheat with your kill trackers! I trust in u all! THE GAME HAS STARTED!

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Number of the happy people in the world
Indulás: 2005-11-02
JKA Server Monitor


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Nagy Zene

Helló mindenkinek! Ha már nagyon mélyen elmerültetek a Star Wars világában, és egy kis kikapcsoló zenére vágytok, látogassatok el a: weboldalra!

Jó zenék, hírek, és érdekességek teszik mégjobbá a netezéseteket!

Hemi alias CP team

Barátaim, és atléta társaim honlapja a:, feltétlenül látogassatok el rá, és ismerkedjetek meg a világhírű CP counter strike klán történelmével és világával! Igaz mostanra már visszavonultak, és egy baráti társaság lett belőlük, de a honlapjuk figyelemre méltó;)S hamarosan megtekinthetitek a CP klán pár emlékezetes pillanatát, és képeit az FBC honlapján is mert kisvártatva létrejön az FCP klán:)) Szóval:

The RasmusOne & Only
FBC Musics

All music what you like can be here, if you write down your favorite music's title and the artist's name.

Morpheus the MP3 downloader

You always looking for a good MP3 downloader?

Your turn has arrived! The coolest Mp3 downloader is in your hand!


 at your service...

Music 2
E Nomine - E Nomine (Pontius Pilatus)<bgsound src="" loop=true>
Music 3
<bgsound src="" loop=true>Korn - Forsaken

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